Body Duoglove

AED 220.00

The answer to kind and simple skincare. Body Duoglove is a unique duo-sided cleansing + exfoliating fibre that’s suitable for all skin types and leaves you feeling clean + fresh without causing irritation or dryness.

SKU: N/A Category:

Key features


  • Dark-lilac side: Knitted material, classic Jacquard (long pile)
  • Mottled lilac side: Woven fabric
  • A double-wave stitch avoids twisting
  • 90% polyester/10% polyacrylic
  • Approx. 21 x 14cm

Area of Use

  • Body
  • Sensitive, delicate and regular skin
01 12
(1 customer review)

1 review for Body Duoglove

  1. ed30b1fdf96f20061e6fd1d799cb1379?s=60&d=mm&r=g


    Incredible, I was really skeptical, I could not believe that a cloth would exfoliate as well as a salt or other scrub. Wow my skin felt super soft. I was really happy that my ENJO consultant told me when exfoliating not to wet completely the glove but to wet my skin and use a dry glove in small circular motions. Thanks so much for the wonderful support!

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